TheBlondeMisfit Made Her Radio Debut! (Here’s How to Succeed, Thrive, and Bounce Back)

When God opens one door, never be surprised if he decides to open up the entire house! What’s up beautiful misfits? How ya’ll doing?

If you didn’t catch the good news on Instagram the other day (are you following me? You should, honestly), then you’d know I made my radio debut! For the day, I chatted it up with J. Jordan and Shamara over at The Cosmo Vision Morning Show, and needless to say, it was dope!The Cosmo Vision morning Show

We talked about how TheBlondeMisfit started off as a simple idea, how I made the move to NYC and thugged it out on a sofa, and how I ultimately created my own lane when I saw nobody else making it for me. Usually when I hit a moment of achievement, I’m on to the next thing– this time, I really had to take the rest of the day to bask in such an amazing feat. Not only was I officially on the radio, but it wasn’t through the merits of anyone else’s job, work, accomplishments, or who I knew. It was simply because I had done the work, and it’s getting recognized.

I find myself constantly answering emails from young people (well, my age, but whatever) who ask me HOW opportunities happen. The term “luck” is one I’ve tried scratching from my vocabulary, because I believe people will see my life and assume that I just stumble onto these opportunities or that I am “lucky” when it comes to things. Now, don’t get me wrong: I DO believe in awesome things happening, however I never believe they are by happenstance. They occur when the work you’ve put out is then intersectional with an opportunity. To the world, it appears like “luck”, but to you, it’s a moment you’ve prepared for for quite some time.

I write for TheBlondeMisfit even when I think nobody is watching. I invest in my brand, I seek opportunities to collaborate, I vocalize my feelings about diversity and inclusion in the fashion and beauty industry. This is part of the thing I’d do even if nobody paid me and I never received an acknowledgement. That is why I’m not “lucky”– I’m a hardworking chick whose faith in God allows her to trust that he will provide the opportunities when the time is fit. This radio show was the most recent example of that.

You guys can watch the majority of my interview over on my NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL (be sure to subscribe while you’re over there, please!) and let me know your thoughts! If I had to give any one piece of advice, it’s quite simple. Always do the work, even when you think nobody is watching. Trust me, someone is and it all pays off in the end.



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