Woke up the other day to find in my inbox a question from one of you lovely Misfits, I surely couldn’t deny.
“How do you time manage and organize your posts?”
Although such a simple question, one that literally can make or break the blogger if they are not too careful. Time management and Organizing my posts. Well, let’s start with Time Management.
You must have it. Point blank period. If you do not carefully manage your time, you will find the entire day is gone and you have nothing to show for it. Or worst, when you have a million different projects with different deadlines, you have to know how to allocate your time to be the most efficient at what you’re doing. So the question is how. I’ve listed out three ways in which to effectively utilize your time.
- Set a schedule & get in the habit of practicing it daily.
- Have a calendar to write down your to-do’s and your deadlines.
- Switch between projects and record your progress on each of them.
When you’ve done that, you will see that your productivity level increases drastically while still allowing you to have some time at the end of the day. My day usually begins around 6:30 am,when I wake up to read the news. I go back to sleep, but by the time I wake back up, I already know what I’m generally working with for the rest of the day. I have set times on when I blog, when I’m on social media, and when I’m networking. I have my calendar that has literally every day in the history of the world for me in there. Dates, times, people, you name it. Lastly, when it’s a long day I switch between projects so I’m not getting bored. I like to work that way, but if you’re the type you need to finish the entire thing first, than go right ahead.
OK. So now for organizing the posts. That is actually quite simple. I post three times a week, and I have a fluid formula I try to incorporate when doing my posts. I know Monday’s I like to cover Beauty related topics, Thursday is for reader mail or just personal antidotes, and Friday is for Fashion. While I may not always get a post up on those days with those topics, I know two things: 1) That’s okay, but I HAVE to post those days, and 2) That’s why you have backstories.
Backstories are the stories I write that sit in my little vault. When I’m too tired to write, busy, or just can’t think of anything, I pull my stories out from there, do a quick clean up, and voila! There’s a story. Pre-planning stories work for some people, but for me, I just like to write what comes to my mind. Yes, I edit and everything. But at least for right now, I’m not worried on the organization TOO much. Just plan out your stories, have a few in your back pocket for a rainy day, and remember the goals and missions of your blog.