One thing I absolutely love are facials. Maybe it’s the fact that living in New York means that you are constantly bombarded with pore-clogging debris, insane amounts of smog and pollution, and of course, the ever-changing weather that can leave you soaking wet one day and then blistering hot the next. Although I don’t wear makeup on a daily basis, I always believe that taking care of your face (and body) should be priority, especially when you’re on camera or in appearances like myself.
So when Aesthetic Allure gave me a ring to come try their CBD facial, I was intrigued but also slightly confused. CBD? In a facial?

Mind you, I love all things CBD and have used CBD in its various forms for years. If you didn’t know, CBD (cannabidiol) naturally derives from the cannabis plant. No, it is not the ingredient that makes one high (that’s THC), but CBD is known for some of its amazing properties. According to StackedSkincare, “CBD has been studied for its relaxing, pain-relieving, and anti-anxiety properties when taken internally, but recent research has shown that it also has calming and therapeutic benefits when applied topically to the skin. It has been shown to help reduce pain and inflammation caused by inflammatory skin conditions, and may even help ease the discomfort of headaches. CBD also has potent antioxidant effects, which means it may help counteract signs of aging caused by free radicals.”
The first thing we did was clean my face using a CBD exfoliant and cleanser. Both of these were extremely light and didn’t irritate my skin whatsoever, which was automatically the first plus in my book. I’m someone who is easily prone to break out simply because of how sensitive my skin can be, but since CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory, we were all set to go. FYI, Aesthetic Allure actually partnered with the CBD Skincare Co. to create this facial, so yep, you can only get it here.
I immediately thought to myself that the facial could probably help with inflammation on the skin as well as provide antioxidants, especially since I tend to have sensitive or easily irritated skin during my allergies. So on arguably one of the hottest days of the summer, I went over to the spa and decided to give it a try.
After cleansing, my lovely aesthetician went in with the facial, which involved a diamond microdermabrasion and a deep pore steam cleanse. The best part also was the facial massage, which I actually fell asleep during. At no point did my skin become irritated or inflamed, and I have to say this was probably one of the most gentle facials I had ever received.

Next was the anti-aging mask, which I don’t remember too much but I know it smelled of papaya…or grapefruit…something tropical and delicious. Their CBD mask actually firms the skin, which I can attest to since I felt like my skin was naturally firmer and tighter when I left out. We also added a gold sheet mask for extra hydration, proving that this is a mask for the girls (and guys) out there who want hydration on lockdown!
Last but certainly not least, we did a bio-led light therapy session, which was used to push out pimples and build up. Although my aesthetician told me that my face was in pretty great shape, there was a bit of clogging around my nose area. I’ve always been extremely oily there since it’s my T-zone, so we just went in and cleaned that up a bit. That was the only thing that hurt throughout this whole process, but that’s also because I’m a baby!
I was so happy and pleased with this facial and how it came out! Here are the instant results stepping out into the light:

As you can see, there’s no trauma to the skin and you can instantly go on about your day after getting this facial. The few bumps I had were (unfortunately) already there as a sign of Mother Nature and her timing for the month. However, even the hormonal outbreak subsided and lessened as I went on about my day. I know that stepping out into the unknown of skincare can be daunting, especially for those who don’t know much about active ingredients and what you should and shouldn’t stay away from. What I will always say is that you should do your research and actively ask questions during your visit. The entire time I was getting the facial, I asked questions on what we were using and why. Always ask questions — you deserve to know what’s going on your face.
I will say that about a day or so later, I had just a regular small dose of peeling, but that is common and healthy (and actually great if you’re thinking about cell turnover!). If you’re in the market to try a new facial, or just very curious about what a CBD facial is and how you can try it, I would definitely recommend Aesthetic Allure! They’re located in Brooklyn and they are extremely affordable, especially if you want to hop into facials but don’t have the funds to keep up with it aggressively. But I’m done rambling, check out Aesthetic Allure if you’re in Brooklyn, and to schedule a consultation, call 718-382-3333.