Happy 2020, everyone! With a new year comes a new opportunity to manifest any dreams you’ve got boiling up on the inside! Ready to start that new business? Or revamp your wardrobe to show your new elevated style? Well whatever it is, I know you can make it happen! Here are just a few things I’m manifesting and hoping for in 2020 for myself and TheBlondeMisfit:

- To be more kind to myself: Yes, it sounds super simple, but you’d be surprised at how hard it can be to be kind to yourself when you’re always running and on the go. I try to just stop and smell the roses, but then I realize I’ve got twenty-million other things to do. Well, this year I’m going to tell myself that it’s okay not to have all my stuff together and that I need to just breathe when I have a moment.
- To go on vacation: Ya girl NEVER vacates, lol. This year, I want to go at least three places I’ve never been, and to find a way to sit and really DECOMPRESS.
- To take more chances on myself when it comes to video: I have so many ideas that I need to get out on paper, but a lot of these things I can also do via video. This year, I want to challenge myself to get in front of the camera and really explore crafting stories through my words.
- To save at least 10% of my income: Childdddd, this one probably should have been first! I am NOT good with saving my money, but I am challenging myself to push outside of my comfort zone this year and to really be vigilant in saving. I know I can do it, I just have to try!
What are some things you guys are working for this year?