I don’t know about you all, but I have been slightly, okay, high-key bored while being home. On the one hand, I have been sick and suffering from my allergies and my asthma. And trust me — that alone, given the current situation of the world right now, is anxiety-inducing enough. But honestly, I need things to do at home to keep my mind off of all that’s going down.
Like so many of y’all, I have never worked from home for a period of three weeks or more. And unfortunately, boredom is bound to set in. But you’d be surprised to find that I really haven’t been too bored, other than when I’m sleeping 12 plus hours a day. The reason why is because even in downtime, I think you can utilize the time that you have to find things to do at home and accomplish what you’ve been putting off for weeks, months, even years. So here are three things that you can do while staying at home.

If you find yourself needing things to do at home, get organized.
There should be no reason why you return to work in two months or however long this is going to last and your house looks the exact same as when you first stayed home. Now is a great time to get organized and go through your closets, pulling out what was old and getting it ready for donation or to give away to family and friends. This is a great time to also take inventory of things that you may need for when you actually do start shopping again, for those of you who haven’t been online shopping.
Doing things like organizing your shirts, folding your pants, maybe color coordinating your shoes, etc are all great things to do at home because it doesn’t require much. For me, I have been doing a lot of organization in my living room as well as my bedroom. Considering my living room is where I am looking to start recording more video content, I wanted to make sure that the living room was camera-friendly, but also puppy proof considering my two puppies tend to stay out in the living room.

In my actual room, I have been doing small things like hanging up paintings, reorganizing my medicine cabinet, reorganizing the things that just happened to sit on the desk by my bed, and of course, going through my clothing drawer to make sure that things are properly on hangers. You’d be surprised how something as simple as coming into a room and it being a little bit more organized than usual, will really set your spirit up for peace and calm and tranquility.
Since I can control how my house looks, I have been taking great joy in doing the small things to organize and to clean. Now, maybe you’re not the biggest cleaner or maybe you don’t even know how to properly organize. But you don’t have to necessarily do something tangible in that way in order to see a difference. Take some Windex and one day go through and clean all your windows in your apartment, or spend a couple of hours in one specific room and get out the trash and dust and wipe. Whatever it is, you will notice immediately that cleaning and having a clean space honestly allows you to have a clear mind.
Number two, get up on your content.
I talked about this in the podcast episode last week, but now is a great time for creatives and entrepreneurs to be creating and putting content out there. I know a lot of people are saying that they are now feeling pressured to get on this wave, and I absolutely do not think that you should jump on just to be a part. But if you’re someone like me, who has had different ideas that she has wanted to execute but just never felt like she had the time because she was always traveling to work, this is a great time to sit down, layout your goals and to start putting those things into practice.
Honestly, check out the podcast episode because I go into this a lot more but there really is no excuse why you can’t figure out how do you want to do or build something for your audience right now if you feel so inclined. And the little steps you can take each day to get there. Because at the end of the day, one day this whole thing is going to be hopefully behind us and brands and businesses in the economy are going to be looking for creators to really help flood the market and get things popping.

Last, but certainly not least, is rest.
I know this doesn’t make any sense after I just told y’all to clean and to get up and get to work. But there is nothing that beats good, wholesome rest. Now, be careful because resting during this time can oftentimes feel like being in bed all day, wonky sleep patterns forming, and actually, soreness in the body because you’re staying in bed for too long and you’re not getting up and moving.
Make sure that every day you are still getting up and you’re moving around, maybe even going outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air, calling and facetiming your friends and your family to check on them. But rest is so crucial for the body and for the mind, especially for those of us are constantly on the go, constantly giving ourselves to others and constantly pouring into our product.
A few years ago, I discussed how I stopped trying to be Superwoman, when it came to my work and my craft, mostly because after suffering really bad health issues, I began to see that my health was so much more important than any brand that I could build. This moment right now in the world is really allowing people to slow down and to think about the things that matter.
Whatever it is, find ways to still engage with other people and to cut your mind off after a long day. There’s so much happening in the news all the time, and, unfortunately, a lot of people make money off of inciting fear and to the mass population. Take time to burn a candle, read your Bible, pray, meditate, watch a good movie and just decompress.
The work will still be there, no matter what. And even if it’s not, any and all opportunities that are meant for you will always come back around. So those are my three things you can do at home that’ll pass the time. What are your tips?