How Long Are You Willing to Wait For Your Blessing?


One thing I absolutely hate doing is dealing with waiting periods. Yet, I’ve learned that they are proven effective whenever I have wondered and asked God what it is that I’m suppose to be doing in and for my life. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve felt the need to push myself to always be doing, working, traveling, moving. SOMETHING. Out of fear that being lax would make me complacent, I soon found myself being a slave to myself and not being a patient servant to what God wanted. Then I read this amazing article from The New York Times, and realized that if Mahershala Ali could wait 20 years for his final moment in the spotlight, I could learn how to acquire more patience. Especially when it comes to walking in my purpose. 

“Mr. Ali’s rise has not been meteoric. It is the result of a hard-fought and patient two-decade campaign,” said The New York Times. I love the saying, or idea, or whatever, that it takes 10 years to become an overnight success. We live in a social media-filled world that perpetuates stardom and success within a matter of hours. That people ‘just woke up like this’ and that 23-year-olds are living the baller lifestyle. Aside from the frontin’ that we know MANY people are doing, it’s just not true. At all.


It takes time to develop your craft, your skill set, and your persona. How long are you willing to wait for your blessing? Are you willing to work, sometimes without seeing the immediate reward, and still preserver? Or do you just want it now?

I’ve learned the best things in life take time. A good book, love, gumbo…all of it. Don’t get discouraged or dismayed on your journey. Follow your God-ordained steps and take it slow. It all works out in the end.




  1. Giselle Williams

    You are amazing sis. Your growth is steady and phenomenal. Love ya!!!


    Thank you Queen. Means so much coming from you <3

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