How to Double Cleanse Your Face at Night

I’ve been a skincare enthusiast for years. But even now, it’s still hard to find the right products and routines that work best for my skin. That’s why I started experimenting with double cleansing after watching many YouTube tutorials on the topic. Double cleansing is not just another trendy beauty trend—it’s something that many dermatologists recommend. There are two ways to do it: one where you cleanse before bed and one where you cleanse at night (we’ll get into more detail on that later).

Double cleanse in the evening.

The first step to double cleansing is removing any makeup on your face. To do this, use a makeup-removing wipe or gel. If you want to go the extra mile and ensure your pores are squeaky clean, use a warm washcloth or muslin cloth with some Cleansing Water to wipe away all traces of makeup.

Next, it’s time for the first round of cleansing! You can either do this in two steps (remove makeup first and then cleanse) or one step by using an oil cleanser that removes both products at once. Look for ingredients such as jojoba oil, sunflower seed oil, olive squalene (an ingredient made from olive oil), almond extracts—anything that’s derived from an organic plant source will be gentle enough for your skin but strong enough to remove dirt/oil buildup without drying out your complexion during these winter months when skin tends towards dryness anyway.

Just make sure not to overdo it; if you feel like there’s something left behind after washing off with plain water afterward, then maybe try another product or combination method next time instead of going overboard here.

Prepare for make-up removal.

After you’ve cleansed your skin, it’s time to remove any remaining makeup. Take a cotton pad or soft tissue and apply toner on top of your face. This is crucial for removing any excess oil from the previous cleansing step so that it does not interfere with the next one.

Next up: eye makeup! If you wear mascara, be sure to use an eye makeup remover specifically designed for this purpose so as not to irritate the sensitive skin around the eyes. It might take some elbow grease but once all of your mascara has been removed, move on to lipstick (or other lip products).

Now comes foundation removal—and we’re going deep here! You’ll need something called an oil-based product (such as coconut oil) or another oily substance like olive oil to dissolve and remove foundation effectively because most foundations contain waxes and oils within them, which will prevent water-based cleansers from doing their job properly.

Use an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup.

Removing all traces of makeup before cleansing your face is important because oil-based products are better at dissolving oil. Using an oil cleanser first will help dissolve the oils in your skin that can cause acne and clogged pores. Oil cleansers are great for dry or sensitive skin because they’re much gentler than traditional facial cleansers.

After using a makeup remover (like Neutrogena Makeup Removing Wipes), apply an oil-based cleanser with your fingertips over your entire face and neck area, including around the eyes, if needed. Gently massage the product into your skin using small circular motions for about 30 seconds—don’t scrub too hard or use firm pressure!

Use a water-based cleanser to wash your face.

The second step in double cleansing at night is to wash your face with a water-based cleanser. Water-based cleansers are the most gentle on your skin, as they don’t strip away natural oils or irritate sensitive areas like eyes and lips. If you’re prone to breakouts, avoid harsh sulfates that can strip away essential oils from your skin, leading to dryness and irritation. Water-based cleansers are also great for removing makeup since they tend not to be as drying as other types of cleansers. They’re especially good for those with dry or sensitive complexions because they help keep moisture in your face without stripping it out entirely, as some harsher products might do!


Pat dry and follow up with your skincare routine.

Now that you have cleansed your face, it’s time to pat dry and follow up with your skincare routine.

  • Pat dry with a towel. Patting will help to absorb any moisture left on your skin after cleansing and help prevent water from evaporating in the air.
  • Use a toner to remove any residue, then continue with your skincare routine as normal (moisturizer, serum, etc.).

Double cleansing is a great way to get the most out of your skincare routine and get your skin looking its best.

For starters, double cleansing is a great way to get the most out of your skincare routine and get your skin looking its best. Double cleansing helps remove makeup, oil, and impurities from the skin’s surface while also getting rid of dead skin cells that build up over time.

Double cleansing involves physically removing makeup and other environmental toxins with an oil or balm cleanser before using a water-based cleanser to wash away every last trace of product residue thoroughly. This two-step process ensures that you can achieve full makeup removal each night without leaving any behind on your face, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts.

There are many different ways that people choose to double cleanse their faces at night, but there are some general rules when it comes down to it: firstly, always start by using an oil-based cleanser before moving on to a second step if needed (usually water-based). It’s important not all face types need both steps!

Cleansing your face at night is a great way to ensure you’re ready for bed. It gives your skin some extra love and care, but it also helps keep dirt and oil from clogging up pores during the day when they could be doing other things like getting rid of makeup or even just being in contact with the air outside!


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