New Podcast Episode: Living a Soft Life & Pursuing Your Gifts

Hey Misfits!

After a very long pause, I can finally announce that the podcast is back! If you are not already doing so, make sure you check out the latest episode and download and follow the show so you never miss an episode.

I talk a lot in this episode about building a soft life and essentially developing the things I want for myself, but I have to admit that it hasn’t always been easy.

There’s nothing like the feeling of knowing that you’re headed down the right path in life. It’s even better when you can feel it in your bones. You know, like when you get that gut feeling that something is going to work out, and you want to shout from the rooftops about how great it is that you got such a kickin’ idea! I’m here to help guide you through the process of figuring out what it is you want for yourself, believing in it so much that people will want to be around you because they see how happy and positive your life has become.

Understand what it is you want.

Your first step, as with any journey, is to understand yourself. Before you can manifest your dream life and dream job, you must identify what it is that you actually want. And this requires some real introspection.

You may be thinking: “Well this is obvious—I want to become a fitness model!” But do you really? Do you actually have a goal in mind? And if so, how far are you willing to go to achieve it? If the answer isn’t “as far as I possibly can” then stop reading now and go back to watching Netflix in sweatpants on the couch while eating pizza and drinking beer (don’t worry—you’ll get there eventually).

Because here’s the thing: if your goal isn’t ambitious enough for someone else’s goals but still just achievable for yours; then it won’t push you out of your comfort zone enough for growth. To get where we want to go in life, we need those extra challenges that make us feel uncomfortable at times—they’re essential for pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones and achieving results nobody else thought possible before!

Believe in the outcome you want.

Believe in the outcome you want.

“If you don’t believe it’s possible, it won’t happen.” – Oprah Winfrey

You’ve probably heard this adage before, but here’s the thing: when we’re talking about manifesting our dreams and making them happen, believing is absolutely key. It isn’t enough to just think about what it would be like to have a dream job or lifestyle—you need to believe that you can achieve that goal. If you want big things for yourself, if your goals are ambitious and grandiose (which they should be), then the only way they’ll come true is if you allow yourself to truly envision them as already existing in your life right now. And sometimes this will require tapping into some optimism—a belief that even though achieving your desires may seem unlikely from where you stand today, with hard work and perseverance anything is possible!

Picture your goal.

To manifest your dream life and job, you have to visualize what you want to achieve. This means visualizing the end result that you want and all of the steps needed to get there. Visualize the people who will be a part of your journey, as well as the obstacles that may stand in your way. If a certain person is standing between you and where you want to be, their presence in this image should make it clear that they are not an obstacle; rather, their presence indicates that they can help guide or support you on your path.

Journal about your goals.

Journaling is a great way to brainstorm, organize and process your thoughts. It’s also a great tool for manifesting because it helps you clarify what you want, why you want it, and how your goals will benefit others. Here are some tips on how to use journaling as an effective manifestation tool:

  • Start by writing down your dream life or dream job as if it has already happened—you’re living in the house/job that fulfills all of your needs and desires! What does this look like? How do you feel? What do other people say about you?
  • Next, write about what has prevented you from reaching this ideal life so far—the obstacles that stand between where you are now and where would like to be (i.e., money problems). Then write down affirmations that address these issues specifically (i.e., “I am able to pay off my student loans quickly because I am committed to doing whatever it takes.”). These statements should also include powerful reasons as well as supporting details; affirmations don’t work unless they’re believable!

You can get what you want for yourself with a little forethought and belief.

You can get what you want for yourself with a little forethought and belief.

Visualization is key to manifesting your dreams—you need to visualize the life you want in order for it to appear. The more detailed and specific your visualization, the more likely it is that your dream will come true. So when you’re visualizing where you want to live or what kind of job/career path you wish to take, be sure to imagine every detail from how your bed feels against your skin at night to what kinds of foods are readily available in this new place. Remember that being able to make these things real for yourself will make them much easier for others around you as well!

The secret power behind visualization lies not only in believing that it can happen but also believe that there is nothing standing between yourself and the life or career goals that would fulfill everything inside of you right now.”

Now that you know how to manifest your dream life and dream job, it’s time to put this knowledge into practice. I hope these tips have helped you get started, but remember that the best way to manifest your dreams is by taking action! So get out there and make it happen—the universe owes it all to you!


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