Setting And Keeping New Years Resolutions: Misfit 101

With the official countdown underway as the New Year approaches, many of us are left feeling stuffed from Christmas dinner, disappointed in all the things we tried to accomplish and didn’t, yet are inspired to create a set list of ‘resolutions’ of things we will try to fix/change/make happen in the following year. We’re contemplating, much like my beloved Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada (one of my favorite movies of existence), What shall I resolve for the New Year? While sometimes just making the list can be tedious enough, here are some lovely misfit tips for YOU when thinking/planning your resolutions this year.

1. Be Realistic- While your resolutions should push you to break through walls, tear down mountains, and preserver through all forms of oppression to make them happen…be realistic. A huge example might be someone who works 65 hours a week wanting to also start taking, I don’t know, dance classes at the local theatre. Realistically, is your body going to function your 12 hour days and then allow you to continue pushing after work? Make realistic goals and expectations. Set your goals in increments rather than huge numbers to avoid stress, pressure and disappointment. It’s still reaching your goal, just one step at a time.

2. Change Your Mindset- I was recently inspired by a post I read the other day, where the woman said instead of focusing on losing weight this year because she felt fat, that she would work out because she ‘loved her body’. This small change in mindset can ultimately change how one tackles their resolution, as well as things they may encounter on a daily basis, such as body issues. By changing your mindset to think positively, optimistically, and that the things you are resolving to do are going to benefit your health and body long-term, it will compel you to make those life changes sooner and faster, first starting with the thoughts you entertain.

3. Make Them Personal- Not everyone’s resolution has to stick with losing weight or whatever else is so generically thrown out for New Years. Make your resolutions personal to you and the things you want to do. Want to help people more? Resolve to help at a food kitchen. Want to learn another language? Immerse yourself into another culture. Your resolution is YOURS, so don’t worry or compare someone else’s with your own. As well, craft your resolutions so that somehow, someway, it’s helping other people. You’ll thank yourself later in life for it when you see how you allowed yourself to be a blessing to someone else.

4.Slow and Steady Wins the Race- We all want to be Hares, but it’s the Turtle that takes the crown. There is a difference in taking your time and procrastination. The first one? Yes. The second? No. Take your time with your resolutions, understanding that huge life changes, contrary to what the Hallmark channel tries to get you to believe, do not occur overnight. Take your time and understand that it is a process and that bad habits take time to break just as much as it takes new habits time to form. However, a proverb I love to live by is don’t put off till tomorrow what you wouldn’t mind dying before it’s completed. Sad, but true.

5. It’s Not All Tangible- We live in a tangible society, one that is really enamored with things and people. However, the true gifts come from what’s inside. You can have an amazing body, beautiful home, and saddle bags full of money and still take drugs to sleep at night because your mind isn’t at peace. Incorporate a few resolutions in there that aim to keep you centered at your core and at peace with yourself from the inside out. Things like meditation, resting more, reading, simply cutting off all electronics for a certain amount of time are always great starts. It’s possible, and you’ll instantly see a difference.

Lastly, remember that none of these have to wait till January 1st to be tackled. New Years are a fun time for festivities, getting blatantly drunk, and having fun memories, but life changes can start any time, any where. Do it for yourself regardless of what anyone thinks, because us misfits DON’T. CARE. 🙂


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