My Holiday Detox

The holidays have passed and now, more than ever, I am feeling the horrible after effects that come with long nights, early mornings, prescribed coffee and bottomless anythings. As school quickly approaches, I’m left to wonder how I am going to get my face to look somewhat decent and put on a hoax that yes, somehow, I got rest in the 4 weeks I was off from school.

Do not fret, my young hooligans. Mama Misfit is here, ready to share with you the few tips that have allowed me to go from zero to 100 misfit REAL quick.

First of all, I’ve gone on a straight tea diet. No more coffee, no more sodas (occasionally I’ll grab a sip of the cranberry ginger ale, but that’s only because it’s the greatest ever) no more nothing. Since I’m not on the bandwagon for drinking water even remotely, I have to put SOMETHING back into my skin to hydrate it. Here comes tea, the most heaven-sent, greatest alternative to water a chic could ever ask for. Now I know what you’re thinking, and I’m fully aware that tea is not water. However, it has water in it, and that’s good enough for me. With my tea (which is usually a breakfast blend or just simply Earl Grey), I make sure that 1) I’m using honey instead of sugar, and 2) I’m buying decaffeinated. If I drink the caffeinated kind, it’s just as bad as if I was drinking coffee, and if that were the case, I should just drink coffee. No, the decaffeinated one doesn’t do anything for me, but at least I am drinking water-ish stuff thats helping with all the cleansing.

Aside from my great tea, I am taking vitamins. Multi-vitamins will be your best friend, because it’ll have whatever vitamin helps you with this, that and the third. My multi-vitamins (twice daily) have helped give me my energy back, but the best part is that it is cleaning out my system in very…noticeable ways. I am just going to let you know right now so those of you who have never taken vitamins before aren’t freaked out when it happens: Your pee is going to stink. First of all, all these vitamins are racing through your body like the Kentucky Derby, but they are also pushing out those nasty toxins out of your body. You will be grossed out, but you’ll feel a whole lot better.

Last, but certainly not least in my wonderful detoxing for the holidays, is sleep. Now, I understand not everyone can sleep for 18 hours a day. But if you could…why not? I took off the week before school started so I could lay up in the bed all day, for however long I wanted, doing whatever the heck I want. Suffice to say all I do is watch Youtube, Netflix and drink tea, it’s still been a great break. Give your body time to rest, and I don’t mean a day or two. First of all, if your body is like mine, it’ll take at least 2-3 days for your body to sweat out all the caffeine stored in your blood stream, then comes the crash. The inevitable crash where your body will just sleep for a good 12-15 hours and you will wake up wondering if God decided to skip a day. People say these are unhealthy habits, but when you do high maintenance work or things that push you in hard ways, you need to take time to breathe and let your body (and your mind) rest. I have gotten a lot of sleep the last few days, and you would be surprised how quickly the pimples clear, the skin thickens, and my existence suddenly feels like something again.

Incorporate those three things in and you will surely survive. You may also want to lay off the sweets for a while if you’ve gained a little from all the drinks (alcohol equals calories people) or delicious New Years Eve cake. Put a little exercise in there and you will make it! Love ya!


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