Guest Misfit: Maya Allen

Sometimes you go to school with bums, or people who have absolutely no ambition to do anything with their lives. Other times, you’ll meet someone whose working just as hard, if not harder, than you to make their dreams come true. & when those times happen, it’s a great thing. 

Meet Maya Allen, a beautiful young lady making her dreams come true. Enjoy!


Tell us about yourself. 

Name: Maya Allen

Age: 22

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Major: Print Journalism

Minor: Afro-American Studies


What’s the most rewarding experience about attending an HBCU? (Maya is a recent graduate of Howard University!)

The most rewarding experience about attending an HBCU has been my constant evolution and profound discovery of self. If you don’t know who you are, who will? If you don’t believe in the innate magical powers within yourself, who will? I have come to fully accept, love, and embrace who I am and Howard has been an integral part of this process. I grew up in a predominately white community and I became used to being “the only one” in the room. Other than my immediate family members, I had to look farther and search deeply for inspiration from those who looked like me. I would look for it in magazines, books, and TV. But it is when I came to Howard when I didn’t have to look any further. Howard University is a melting pot of beautiful Blackness from all walks of life. It was the first time in my life that I was completely immersed in a world full of intelligent, powerful, and confident black people who were proud of who they were. I wouldn’t trade my experience for the world.

 How have you been able to maintain your academic credibility and scholastic achievement over the years? Were you met with challenges? How did you face them?

You do not plan to fail you fail to plan. Preparation is everything. Time management is everything. Every single day I make a to do list and I try to check off as many things on that list as I can. Education has always been my number one priority. I knew coming into Howard that I wanted to exceed scholastically. Once I set my mind to something, it’s hard for me to sway. I was definitely met with challenges. There were times when I had to pick between a party and studying in the library. There were times when I procrastinated on exams and papers. But I’ve learned from all of those times, which have made me a better person today.

You’ve accomplished so much in such a short time as far as interning for some amazing companies and people. What’s your favorite internship thus far and what is the greatest thing you’ve learned from interning?

My favorite internship experience has definitely been at ESSENCE. Being surrounded by so many powerful, confident, and fabulous black women all at once was a summer that I will never forget. Many of my bosses became my big sisters. Their doors were always open to talk and mentor me whenever I needed. The office environment was so special because it was more like a family. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned while interning is to unapologetically be yourself. There will be times at magazines when you’ll be surrounded by really important people and get nervous and feel like you’re invisible in the room – but you aren’t. You are right where you’re supposed to be and you are there for a reason. Own who you are and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. That’s what will make you memorable.

 What are some responsibilities you’ve had as an intern? What are misconceptions about interning or things people don’t know?

The responsibilities I’ve had as an intern have been very broad, but in general it is my job to make my editors lives easier. At most of my magazines I was in charge of the product that was circulating through the magazine. So with fashion, I was in charge of all of the new clothes and packages we received and when I was working in beauty I was in charge of the same. I have had writing responsibilities, covering events, assisting with photo shoots, and contributing to creative brainstorming sessions by pitching ideas.

What advice would you extend to those looking to gain writing experience through interning?

Speak up. Not all editors are going to assume you have the ability to write first hand once you begin your internship. It is your responsibility to voice what you’re passionate about and to be your own advocate. Usually at the beginning of my internships I write a goal list of very specific things I want to accomplish while interning. I then sit down with my supervisor and share with her my goals so we are both on the same page with what I want to get out of my experience. Most of the time, you won’t get to write right away so it is important that you KILL and conquer the small tasks first, to start building a trust level with your boss, so she knows you can handle the bigger tasks. You always have to start somewhere!

What are your future career goals? What steps are you taking to get to where you want?

It is my ultimate goal to be the Editor-in-Chief of a large women’s publication in New York City one day and be the founder of my own magazine. I know in order to reach that goal I have to build a sturdy foundation first, which is why I’ve made it a point to intern every single chance I get so that I can build my contacts and network with successful individuals in my industry. I have also been very involved with on-campus organizations such as The Hilltop and The Magazine Cover 2 Cover Association that allow me to practice the necessary skills needed in my field. I am also in the process of building my own website that will showcase who I am to potential recruiters and build a large online following.

Describe your fashion sense. Do you think fashion and style play a huge role in your profession and presentation?

My fashion sense is very, very free. I dress however I want, when I want. I don’t really follow any rules or trends (although I keep up with them). I dress how I feel and I truly believe when you look good, you feel good. I do think fashion is very important. First impressions are so important. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to dress like it. One of my mentors told me to always dress for the job I want. If I want to be the head of a magazine one day, even though I’m an intern, I need to dress like it. Fashion is fun! It allows you to express yourself without words. It allows you to walk into a room and make a statement without even saying anything. It plays a huge role in my profession and I definitely think my sense of style has boosted my success along the way.



What’s the greatest fashion advice you’ve ever been given or a fashion mantra you live by?

Dress for the job you want. And the trends don’t make you, you make the trends.

Do you get style inspiration? Who, or where, or how?

I get tons of style inspiration from magazines. I read them daily, I’m obsessed! Editors and photographers put so much time in capturing great style and I’m definitely a devoted reader. I also get style inspiration from Tumblr. Tumblr is such a free space for people to express themselves and dress how they want.

What are your beauty staples or even just one product you cant live without?

When it comes to beauty staples, I’m a classic girl. A lot of the products I use are the ones my mom and my mom’s mom used. I love Vaseline Intensive care lotion, Aquaphor, and I can’t go without Neutrogena Makeup Remover Wipes. I also can’t live without a matte MAC lipstick. They give the perfect pucker.

 What advice would you give to someone trying to develop his or her own personal style?

Self-discovery. Take time to get to know yourself and what makes you happy. Don’t think too hard about it, put on what makes you feel good and rock it. Don’t ever compare yourself or your style to anyone else’s. I promise, you got this.

Our site is all about the woman who is also a ‘misfit’ in society. How would you describe yourself as a misfit?

 I’ve always been the girl to go my own way. I’m in my own lane and I’m continuing to spread my wings and achieve all that my heart desires. I intend to fly. I’m also in competition with no one, which makes my journey really, really exciting.

 Anything else you’d like for us Misfits to know?

Love yourself, first. Never doubt the magic you’re capable of doing. And always follow your dreams, the universe will open doors for you where there once were only walls. 

All photos are courtesy of Maya Allen. She currently lives in New York City and works for InStyle.


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