My growth as a lifestyle blogger over the years (Important lessons learned)

As I reflect on my time as an influencer or blogger over the years, I’ve summed up a lot of my work into three different touchpoints I want to talk about. Hopefully, this inspires someone else out there to take the leap and try something new, like launching their own website!

Whether you’re trying to figure out how to start lifestyle blogging, the secrets on how to start a successful lifestyle blog, or even if there’s a point to starting a lifestyle blog in 2021, here are a few thoughts, according to a lifestyle blogger.

Starting the blog

Starting a blog was honestly the first thing I thought of when I started working in the industry. Mind you, I had gone to school and majored in English, although my dream had always been to pursue acting. I couldn’t get my foot in the door of publishing, so I found a way (in my head): Start your own website! This was back when being a lifestyle blogger was still mostly misunderstood, but definitely not seen as cool. Especially when I was originally creating thought-provoking content that evaluated race and gender in fashion. Yeah, not glamorized as it is today.

Back then, it was just supposed to serve as an online portfolio while I pitched myself to editors. Little did I know it would be what it is today, and little did I know or think that I could use my platform to still work with brands all on my own! Trust me, I didn’t have a blueprint on how to be a lifestyle blogger, or even how to make a lifestyle blog. A lot of things were very calculative mistakes.

Let this be a lesson. You can do whatever you want and your success is riding on your consistency and faith in yourself. Don’t always listen to what others are saying — it comes down to you.

Growing on social media

A few years ago when I first started, I never would have imagined the way in which influencer marketing has grown and become one of those “you just gotta have it” realities for brands. As someone who didn’t (and still doesn’t) really consider herself an “influencer,” I do have to say that influencer marketing has become crucial to my business and livelihood.

As I’ve grown my brand, I’ve started incorporating external talent to help, whether it’s someone who can help with social media management, dedicating time to build and grow my audience, or, as I’ve really looked to, someone who can edit and cut up the videos I use across social media and on YouTube.

What I’m saying is the growth on social media has been really amazing to see and witness, but I’m definitely looking to incorporate a lot more video content in the near future. Because, why not?

Finding my voice

Finding my voice was never something I particularly struggled with. In fact, I got in trouble a lot with the English department for being too liberal with my voice. I wanted a place where I could just be myself, and honestly, that’s what TheBlondeMisfit became. It’s like a diary, but with a lot more eyes and visibility.

Nonetheless, when finding your voice, it’s important to think about what authenticity looks like to you and how you show up for people.

When you know those things, you can figure out how to know what to blog about, and, more importantly, how to make money as a lifestyle blogger. Even if I don’t have a million followers, brands want to engage with me because I know how to be myself.

Now, I have a business lifestyle blog that focuses on fashion and beauty for women of color.

So, when you find your voice, grow your social media and just start the website, you may find yourself enjoying the benefits of being a lifestyle blogger. But these are the lessons I’ve learned over the past few years, what about you guys?

This post is sponsored by Infellifluence, but all thoughts are my own.


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