New Levels, New Devils

Change is hard for anyone. When I was younger, I used to say I couldn’t ‘do’ consistency, or have the same thing twice. I needed spontaneity, whether that was food, schedules, relationships, or hairstyles. Jamé wasn’t doing the same thing twice.

But if we’re keeping it a stack, change can really be terrifying.


Change is inevitable, especially when you are a child of God who has been called to walk in purpose. Change is a part of the territory, whether you want it or not. The thing is, when life starts changing, that’s when you start to feel the stretch — that uncomfortable feeling of growth that is necessary for you to get to your next level.

The stretch comes when you begin to outgrow your situation, your old life, your old habits, and the people who are holding you back from your destiny.


I stepped away from TheBlondeMisfit for a while, focusing on other things as I continued to grow my name, my brand, my work, and my relationships. However, I soon came to realize that God had also birthed a new fire in my heart, and for the past nine months, I have been carrying this work with me, waiting for the moment to come for me to, well, give birth in a way. Not a physical birth, but one where I finally see how God is shifting me and what that means to the work and the mission. When you get up in new levels of your life, there are new devils that come with it. But the best thing is you will have all the tools to win.

You can’t go back to being the same person when you want more. So grow, pray, and stretch it out, boo.


Jeans: Thrift
Sneakers: ASICS



1 Comment

  1. Pat

    Love your post! Thank you for getting back on-line through TBM.

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