I Learned A Hard Lesson On Why You Can’t Adjust Your Worth

Misfits, I learned a really hard lesson a few weeks ago. I’m sharing it because I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did.

OK, so let’s start with the lesson: Charge your worth and don’t fold.

A few months ago, a brand hopped in my DMs. It’s a well-known brand that wanted me to do some influencer work with them. I naturally have used their products before, so of course, I was excited for the opp.

Then they asked me about my rate for the campaign (essentially, how much I would charge for the scope of work they were asking me to do). I thought about it and said my number.

The brand came back and said they didn’t have that, and offered me close to 30% of my initial ask. Now, I know you’re thinking to yourself, “Jamé, I hope you walked away…” Well, the story gets worse.

I accepted the rate because I looked at their social platforms and realized there could be a tradeoff here. Something didn’t sit well on the inside, but I figured I would be doing myself a favor getting on a large platform, and at least some money is better than no money.

Y’all. *internal screaming*

It was the worst mistake I could have made. The brand had terrible demands, nitpicked all the work, didn’t pay on time, and was an overall terrible client. I remember the whole time sitting there thinking that the X amount they were paying me was not worth my respect or artistic integrity.

I’m sharing this for a few reasons. First, the rate is the rate.

Feel empowered to stand on that rate and make adjustments when it also serves you (there WILL be times exposure works in your favor, but don’t settle). Secondly, people are afraid to tell these horror stories out of fear that a brand will never work with you. Start sharing your truths and your stories. Also, don’t be afraid to walk away from sketchy energy.

Have you ever lowballed yourself and ended up paying the cost for it? How did you learn how to advocate for yourself?


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