Wow, Where Have I Been? Life Updates, A Dog, Rest, and The Future

Okay, so I think the first thing that is due here is an apology.

Back in the fall of 2020, there were a lot of things happening in life. Most of us worked at home for close to, if not, over six months; we were limited with our social interactions, especially around family and friends. And those of us who work in media were hit with this certainty that the clients we wanted to work with, and the brands that we wanted to partner with, would be holding off on their dollars and coins for just a little longer.

To say that the bulk of 2020, but especially towards the end, was a time of trauma and reflection would be an understatement.

For me, new responsibilities at work and the immediate need to preserve my mental and spiritual health meant that something had to give. And unfortunately, I had to step away from creating content in a new medium for a while, not because I don’t love what I do, but quite the opposite. I love what I do so much that I needed to ensure that the TheBlondeMisfit community got all of me and not just parts. So here we are.

After months and months and months, I am finally here. And we have new content on the site. We have new content coming out in our email newsletter. Make sure that you are subscribed. And the podcast has a new episode coming out every Friday.

I cannot guarantee that I will always get it right. But I can guarantee that I will always show up. And that I will always fight to be as consistent as I can while also making sure that this little black girl does not burn out. That being said, I know you guys are wondering, where the heck have I been? So this short answer is, I’ve been nowhere. But the long answer is, I’ve been virtual. I’ve been doing some speaking engagements, obviously doing work and doing some consulting. But also just learning to take it easy.

Related: A Chat With Zora’s Editor-in-Chief, Vanessa K. De Luca

One of my dogs got seriously sick at the beginning of March. And we knew that she had kidney disease. We’ve been working slowly to get her back to optimal health to have something of everyday life. And in this process, I have had to learn a greater sense of patience, not just for others but also for myself. There are also multiple deaths in my family between March and April, which challenged me to see if I would lean into faith the way I said I do. As someone who does not like death and is very death-adverse (as in I don’t even like to go to funerals), it was a very uncomfortable and challenging time for me in that way as well. I say all of these things to say that we never know what’s going on in someone’s life. We never know what people can be going through in a specific moment or over some time. But the same way in which pieces and parts of your life fall apart. I believe they also fall together. I am so much stronger, so much hard-willed, and so much better for the experiences I went through last year. 

That being said, I am excited to create content again and to continue to show you all that beautiful brown skin women, men, and people belong in the fashion and beauty industry. There’s still so much work to be done. However, I am here, and so many others are here to pick up the work and continue to fight on. So that said, welcome back, misfits. I’m happy to be here, and I’m delighted to be on this journey with you all. Make sure you are following us on our various social channels. And stay tuned for more content. We’re stepping into a new chapter. Buckle up.


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