How to Prepare Your Fall Wardrobe

As summer turns to fall, it’s time to pack away all the clothes that don’t fit into your fall wardrobe. If you haven’t done so already, it’s important to clear out space in your closet so that you can make sure everything fits right and looks great when it comes time to wear it again next year. Here are some tips on how to get your summer clothes ready for storage:

The end of summer is the perfect opportunity to go through your closet and get rid of the clothes you don’t wear or that no longer fit.

The end of summer is a great time for spring cleaning into your fall wardrobe. Summer clothes are often too light for the fall and winter, and they’re not worn as much in the colder months. Now, I’m not saying you have to purge everything but you don’t need to hold onto everything you currently own. By purging your closet to make space for new items and giving your old clothes away, you can prepare for the upcoming seasons with more room in your wardrobe!

As you go through this process, remember that the biggest part of building a fall wardrobe is matching what you wear with what you need— weather conditions, daily activities, and even personal style preferences. If it doesn’t make sense for you to have a fur coat, then you don’t need to get it! Make sure you think through your future purchasing decisions and what in the moment serves your needs.

Clear out space for your fall wardrobe by going through your summer clothes.

  • Purge your closet of things you don’t wear.
  • Donate clothes still in good condition, but not your style anymore.
  • Donate clothes that need cleaning or repair, such as stained shirts or ripped jeans. There are lots of organizations that will take these items and give them a second life!
  • Donate clothes you will never wear again, like those swimsuits from last summer (we all know the ones).

fall wardrobe

Once you know what you have, you’ll better understand what you need.

Once you know what you have, you’ll better understand what you need in your fall wardrobe. Knowing your current wardrobe will help you decide what to keep and sell, and when it’s okay to invest in new pieces. If all of your clothes are in one place, it will be much easier for them to find their way into the right closet.

If you don’t have an inventory system in place right now, start by taking a quick inventory of every article of clothing that currently belongs to your household. I count how many shirts I have that all share the same purpose and then re-evaluate how many of them I need. I had difficulty letting go of clothes, so this step helped me a lot with purging.

Once these piles are established and separated from each other based on wear frequency/quantity per week, the fun part comes!

Take stock of your neutrals as well – white and black blouses, for example.

Once you have a good idea of what colors work best together, take stock of your neutrals – white and black blouses, for example. This is a great way to build an easy-to-wear fall wardrobe that works with everything else. However, don’t forget other neutrals like tan, grey, beige, navy, and brown. These colors can look elegant and sophisticated when paired with certain outfits and provide the perfect base for bolder looks.

I love to get elevated basics and neutral clothing from places like Zara, H&M, and maybe a few other elevated fast fashion retailers. As someone who wears a lot of colors, this isn’t where I spend the most investment, but I like to ensure I have options that can go with multiple things in my closet.

Try on everything, including your basics and accessories, to see what fits and doesn’t need to be packed away.

When packing away your summer clothes, you should try on everything from your basics to your accessories. If it doesn’t fit, don’t force it. If it fits, but you don’t like it, get rid of it. This is the best way to purge without regretting what you gave up later on down the line when it could have been used for something else entirely different than what was originally intended.

I know that some great rules exist out there on purging and how to find your ratio. I can’t subscribe to those because I genuinely don’t like suffering when I purge, HOWEVER, I recommend you find your rhythm and stick to it.

If it “might fit someday,” toss it.

If it doesn’t fit, you don’t wear it or keep it in your fall wardrobe. Girl, I KNOW how hard this one is gonna be, but you have to get rid of things instead of banking that they’ll fit one day. Toss anything that doesn’t fit in the slightest bit—even if you might be able to fit into an old pair of jeans someday (but not now).

fall wardrobe

Also, if your shoes have been sitting unworn at the back of your closet for years, get rid of them! You need room for new shoes anyway. If an article of clothing or accessory is faded or worn out from too many trips through the washing machine, it’s time for that item to go.

The exception to this rule are expensive things you’re on the verge of fitting into. For me, I know I gained weight during the pandemic, so there are quite a few high-ticket numbers in my closet I don’t want to get rid of just yet.

Finally, remember that just because something has been hanging around for a year doesn’t mean it needs to stay; sometimes, we hang onto items out of sentimentality even though they’re no longer useful or flattering to us.

Get ready for cold weather by ensuring the tops of your boots are clean and clear of sand and dust before putting them away for the season.

Whether you’re wearing them with jeans, skirts or dresses, the tops of your boots are a good place to start when it comes to getting ready for your fall wardrobe. The last thing you want is dirty shoes being the first thing people notice when they come into your home.

Clean them before putting them away by applying dish soap to a clean cloth and wiping down both sides of your boots until they are free of all dirt and debris. Be sure you don’t miss any spots on either side so that there isn’t an unpleasant surprise waiting for you when (or if) you pull out these favorite items in time for next summer!

If you have a pair needing cleaning or some other care, take them to the shoemaker or cobbler immediately.

If you have a pair needing cleaning or some other care, take them to the shoemaker or cobbler immediately.

It’s always best to maintain your shoes in good condition, as they are investments that can last many years. The shoemaker or cobbler can repair or clean them and also replace soles, heels, and buckles when necessary. They can also replace broken laces for a nominal fee.

Go through your coats and jackets and make sure they are in decent shape before packing them away.

This is when you’re likely to pack away your lighter jackets and coats to make room for your heavier fall and winter gear. Before you do that, look at what you’ve left in storage.

Go through all of your coats and jackets before storing them for the winter, as it’s important to check each item for damage or wear and tear. Take note of any holes or tears that need repair; stains that should be removed with stain remover; broken buttons; missing zippers; missing linings, etc..

Look at all the parts of a coat – linings, zippers, pockets – to make sure they are all functional so that your coat is ready to go when you pull it out in the fall.

  • Look at all the parts of a coat – linings, zippers, pockets – to make sure they are all functional so that your coat is ready to go when you pull it out in the fall.
  • If there is any damage or wear on these parts, consider purchasing new ones and replacing them yourself before storing your summer clothes away for winter.
  • Remember that buttons can be easily replaced with a simple needle and thread or by taking them to a tailor if you need assistance with this DIY task!

This is the perfect project if you’re looking for a way to clear out your closet and prepare for your fall wardrobe. You’ll have a better idea of what you need, and the only thing left to do is shop!


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