Product Review: Nars Setting Powder

Okay, so I know I don’t normally do product reviews on my site. In fact, I never do product reviews. However, with new insights into the daily lives of my misfits, myself, and a new camera I have been looking for every excuse to use, I figured I would give YOU insight on products I like and I don’t like. I like to think misfits can wear makeup too, people. So why not share the love and our product ideas?

Disclaimer: I ain’t no makeup guru. Better yet, I just know what I like and what works for my skin and doesn’t. I am an obsessive makeup junkie who has given up the “let me buy everything Youtube tells me to buy” mantra and instead replaced my life with the concept of having staple beauty products that help your skin. Realize your skin is just as unique as the person it’s on, so don’t except a one stop solution for all people, even if you share commonalities with them (race, skin color, skin type, etc). Not everything that I don’t like will be a bad fit for you guys out there, I’m just sharing my personal opinions and ideaaaaaaaas.

I am returning this product today. It was the right color, it was a great consistency (especially if you’re not looking for that cake thing that tends to occur in powders) and it just looked amazing. However, us oily skinned chicks know that it is imperative that the setting powder SETS the face because our oil is going to kick in much sooner than everyone else’s. I made it maybe 2/3 hours before I noticed my skin was screaming fried chicken platter. And that’s a no no. Plus, I actually found it difficult to get the product out, and spent a good amount of time and energy pushing product from the bottom and not getting enough to help me out.

I would recommend the product to people who need light coverage, and who don’t have to worry about their makeup slipping off on the usual because of oily skin. I think perhaps the finely milled lightness of the product made it too light for someone like me who needs a little more work. Feel me?

Have any of you tried this product? What were your thoughts?


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