Self Awareness, Self Consciousness & Self Esteem

This is actually a great segway into the purposes of me preaching on self-awareness, self-consciousness and self-esteem. All these things interrelate, but sometimes we get so lost in the sauce we lose touch with ourselves and rather always connect ourselves to society. Society has made it so we are always connected, mostly through the demise of social media so that nothing is private anymore. You still need your private time and your private space. Every day, you still need moments where you are detached from all things in the Earthly sense and refocus your inner energies back into you and what you want and who you are. I know it sounds like unnecessary mumbo jumbo, but trust when I say dedicated even a few minutes of your time daily is necessary to your overall health and well-being.

When you allow yourself to focus and become aware of your body (I use meditation and yoga for that, but that’s for another day kitties), you will begin being more aware of yourself. Aware like how? Well, for starters, when I began to indulge in learning of myself, I became aware of habits I tend to have and patterns I could analyze at certain times with certain things. These are things that I believe you can begin to see when you’re awakening that ‘third-eye’ that people talk of. I know for myself that it exists and is part of my daily personal truth.

Having an awareness to yourself than means you can be conscious. You are ‘woke’ in a sense because now you are finally able to see all about yourself the things you were blind to before. It is in this consciousness that you’ll learn liberation and learn that your self-esteem is not predicated on the thoughts, assumptions, beliefs, or attacks of others. You learn that wars and battles you fight are not in the flesh sense, but among spiritual and higher beings. Even if you’re not Christian, I do believe that you can still understand that there are dualities in the Universe. Where there is good, there is evil, and that those two are constantly at war. Although I believe those two things have names, the concept of things not being in an earthly sense but much higher transcends amongst all major schools of thought (unless you’re a person who just doesn’t believe in anything at all).

So why are these things important? I’m learning on this cleansing I have going on in my life right now that life is only but a small glimpse into the concept of time. While we are on this Earth, we should not be chained to the mental or physical oppression society creates for us and we perpetuate every day. As misfits, we have a special duty to walk in our unique interesting and strange peculiar ways, showing other people that there is freedom in knowing you are, accepting who you are, and channeling your energies and auras to promote positivity around you.

I hope you guys enjoyed the post! If you haven’t checked out our Guest Misfit, you need to! Tickets are still on sale.

Peace and <3 my Kings and Queens.


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