Being the Good Editor

For all my writers out there, wave your hands in the air (like you just don’t care? Well you should). Nowadays, being a writer is only one vegetable in the medley pot of delicious stew found in the media, and while I can’t refute that I love being a writer, I have to say it’s not enough.

Anyone can write, in all honesty. How many people can edit and articulate/slim/cut their thoughts in a precise way that removes all ambiguity and error, though? That’s the magic ingredient to this whole thing. Editing. Or Editor, if you want to assign yourself a title for purposes of the article. So how can you successfully be a strong Editor and make an impact on writing? Here’s some of my tips.

First, you have to stay on top of everything from the beginning, which means, unfortunately, you need early morning starts. As someone who doesn’t like the early mornings (well, I like them I just can’t get up), I understand it is VITAL to push yourself to be the first doing something, even before others reach the office. If you’re someone who can’t get into the office till regular hours? Utilize your ‘free’ time to grab all news, morning stories, and catch up with what’s been going on in the world since you’ve been asleep. Trust me, coming in second to anyone means you just lose in this industry. If you think you don’t have free time, trust me you do. In the mornings, the first thing I do is cut on the radio or open my computer to catch the daily stories by reputable news outlets. That way, by the time I’ve started my day and begin things, I have a step ahead because I already know what’s going on around me. You can not be a successful Editor if you do not immerse yourself in understanding the world around you.

After you have fully immersed yourself daily in the affairs of the world, I would definitely suggest you


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