The Coronavirus Hit On Fashion Right Now

By now, many of you have heard about the coronavirus and its impact on the world as literally thousands of cases are sprouting up overnight. Honestly, it’s been a very trying time for the world on a global front, but a lot of us in entrepreneurial spaces are also feeling the hit.

On the one hand, the whole Coronavirus is stressful and anxiety-inducing.

Let alone the fact that it already has amassed 182,000 cases and caused over 7,000 deaths globally as of March 17. I think the biggest thing is thinking, as an entrepreneur, what can you do in moments of mass hysteria, especially when places like New York are prohibiting large gatherings — pushing for the closure of restaurants, bars, gyms, nightclubs, and other businesses.


And, of course, how that affects you building your clientele. For me, I had speaking engagements mapped out for March, April, and May. And many of them which have also included brand sponsorships and endorsements have pulled out in the wake of this global pandemic. Of course, you can’t be mad about that. Or the fact that this is just an inevitability to what’s happening in the world.

But it does create a sense of anxiousness as you sort of navigate these new channels and think, Okay, how can I continue to make money? How can I continue to create opportunity? And most importantly, how do I preserve my sanity in the midst of everything that’s going on with something that’s called the coronavirus (like seriously, who made that)?

In case you didn’t know, the stock markets have also experienced a significant decline. Trading was halted for a while, and a lot of fashion and apparel companies suffered as a result. On the same hand, the industry as a whole has come together; multiple influential figures, fashion designers, and people around the world have used their platforms and their money to make a difference by donating to health care organizations, helping to move and create extra hand sanitizer, and even just being a positive resource to others. So where does that leave us?

In my opinion, this is a great moment to be still and to really reevaluate things that you are doing.

The things you’re working on, to know that when building for tomorrow, you’re not always going to see the light at the end of the tunnel immediately. But you can always focus on how to work and gather and build, so that when you do see that light, you’re already prepared for your next and greatest blessing.

As for me, I will be in my bed watching horror films, binge-watching everything that I can, playing with my puppies, and using this time to really put out content across social, video, and of course, across our podcasts. Be sure to follow us on all of our channels and to stay up to date with everything that TheBlondeMisfit is doing.

I truly believe that this is not the end, but this is merely a pause so that something greater can come out on the other side.


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