How to Organize and Tidy Up Your Tiny Apartment

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If you’re living in a tiny apartment, you know how important it is to keep your space tidy. You don’t have a lot of room for clutter and messes, so decluttering and organizing are essential for making the best use of your space. Luckily, some handy hacks can help you tidy up even in the smallest home. Here are my top tips:

Buy furniture with storage space.

Buy furniture with storage space for your tiny apartment.

This is so important! This is the only way you will be able to keep your apartment tidy because you won’t have any room for your stuff otherwise. Look for furniture with drawers, shelves, and places where you can hang clothes or put things. If possible, try to get a combination of these types of pieces—for example: an armoire (storage) with a mirror (hanging space), or a chest of drawers (storage) that has an open shelf above it (hanging space).

Also, think about your clothes and shoes. They take up a lot of room in your tiny apartment, especially if you have a collection of jackets, coats, or boots. You can buy special hanging storage for these items, but that also takes up space. So instead, look for furniture with built-in hangers or hooks.

Add extra storage above the cabinets.

Adding extra storage above your cabinets is a great way to use the space more. Don’t forget about your pets! They need a place to sleep and play too. You can add shelves and baskets, hang up some shoe racks or bags, or use an ottoman to store items on top of it.

  • Shelves are a great way to get more storage space without taking up too much room. Use them as an additional storage area in your kitchen or bathroom cabinets, or even on top of them!
  • Baskets: If you have a lot of things that need to be stored away in drawers but don’t want them taking up all the available space inside those drawers, baskets are a good option for keeping those items organized and out of sight until they’re needed again!
  • Shoes can quickly become messy if there isn’t enough room for them all in one place (and who wants that?). Put everything into bins instead – this will let you easily see what’s inside each bin, so you know what kind of shoes are in each bin! You’ll never lose track again 🙂

Use a ladder to get to the top shelf of your closet Install hooks in the ceiling for hanging items up high. Use an ottoman instead of a table and chairs; it will give you more storage space.

Build a vertical garden.

A vertical garden is a great way to add color and greenery to your tiny apartment. If you’re looking for an easy way to get plants into your home without taking up much space, consider building one of these green walls!

  • Build the wall: The first thing you’ll need is a wall that can support weight, such as brick or concrete. (If you don’t have access to this sort of construction, there are other ways around it.) Once your structure is in place, attach brackets securely enough so they won’t come loose when hung with plants.
  • Choose plants: Take some time out of your day to go on plant walks around your neighborhood and look at what’s available! Green walls are perfect for herbs that grow well indoors—basil and coriander can be grown easily on them year-round with minimal attention from their owner. Herbs also make great additions because they help create an inviting smell throughout the tiny apartment as well as give off delicious flavors when used in cooking or cocktails! You might even try hanging some citrus trees, which will bring sweet smells into every room; just remember not too much fruit, so there aren’t rotting oranges everywhere! If possible, try getting seeds from friends who already have small gardens themselves.

Be creative with your decor.

Be creative with your decor.

Use your walls as much as possible. Hang up artwork, and use frames to add visual interest to a wall. Use the floor as much as possible by placing mats or rugs where you’ll walk often—between the kitchen and living room, for example—and stack books on end tables instead of laying them flat in bookcases. Use your ceiling as much as possible by hanging items from it, such as lamps and baskets; this will also give you extra storage space above your bed!

Use your windows as much as possible by hanging curtains rather than blinds (they’re easier to open) or even installing another window elsewhere in the tiny apartment if one isn’t already there so that you can bring light into an otherwise dark corner of the room! And finally, use furniture creatively: If a piece has too many legs but still looks good anyway and doesn’t take up too much space (like a chair), try putting two together! Even just stacking wooden crates one on top of another works well here.”

Alternate between using your walls as much as possible by hanging artwork or pictures from them, using the floor as much as possible by placing mats or rugs where you walk most often (between the kitchen and living room, for example), and stacking books on end tables instead of laying them flat in bookcases. Use your ceiling as much as possible by hanging items from it, such as lamps and baskets; this will also give you extra storage space above your bed!

Use shoe organizers for storing other things.

Shoes are one of the most compact and universal storage solutions, but they can also be used to store other things—like socks and scarves. If you have a spare shoe organizer lying around, try using it for your ties, belts, or even cleaning supplies. Alternatively, if your closet space is limited (or nonexistent), use them to store toys or kitchen utensils!

While we all have our favorite pair of shoes, they don’t always get worn as much as we’d like. This is especially true when there isn’t enough room in the closet. Shoe organizers are great for storing other things—like socks and scarves. If you have a spare shoe organizer lying around, try using it for your ties, belts, or even cleaning supplies.

Start with a clutter-free kitchen.

Start by removing everything from your kitchen. Then, sort it into three piles: trash, donate, and keep. Donate anything that is still in good condition. Organize the keep pile by placing items you use frequently on top of the fridge and storing less frequently used items in cabinets or drawers, so they’re not cluttering up your counters and surfaces.

Once you’ve organized everything, put everything back into place!

If you’re interested in a more detailed approach, several books can help you get started. One of the most popular books on this topic is called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. The book outlines some useful strategies for decluttering your tiny apartment to look clean and tidy.

tiny apartment

Use your walls as much as possible.

If you’re like me, your apartment is small. So it’s best to use your walls as much as possible. Use them for storage, decor, and art!

  • Use a shelf or hooks on the wall to store items like towels and mugs. IKEA has some great options that work well in smaller and tiny apartments.
  • Hang artwork on the wall rather than having just one print hanging in the middle of the room (especially if your tiny apartment has narrow spaces). Instead of buying art from an expensive gallery or framing prints from other artists, create your own by taking photos with friends and family living far away or collecting postcards off Pinterest into a collage board (these are easy to make!).
  • Create a gallery wall using all types of frames and mounted objects – old maps are especially fun! – then hang them vertically along two adjoining walls so they make one long line of colorful style points.

Make use of your under-bed space.

  • Use under-bed storage. If you have a lot of things that don’t fit in other spaces, consider making use of the space underneath your bed. You can put things like seasonal items and rarely used items in there to keep them out of sight as well as provide some extra storage space for other items that won’t fit elsewhere.
  • Use every inch of your closet. If you have a small amount of closet space, it’s important to make sure that every inch is being used effectively by hanging clothes and storing shoes on shelves or racks rather than just throwing them on hangers haphazardly at the end of each rod or having them tumble into piles on the floor below!

Easily organize your boxes so that you can access everything quickly and easily.

The first thing you need to do is easily organize your boxes so that you can access everything quickly and easily. You want to use boxes that are the same size, with lids, so that they keep all of your stuff together.

Organize your small items into clear containers so that you can see what’s inside them at a glance. This will make it easier for you to find things when needed. You don’t want to waste time searching through multiple boxes looking for something specific—it’s better to have everything grouped in one place, so you know where everything is stored!

Create the illusion of space with mirrors in the right places.

Mirrors are a great tool for creating the illusion of space in a tiny apartment. Use them to reflect light into the room, making it look brighter and more open. You can also place mirrors to reflect a view outside your window, making your room appear larger than it is. If you don’t have an expansive view from your windows or balcony, consider using mirrors to reflect something else like an interesting piece of art or even another mirror!

The key here is to be strategic about where you place your mirrors. A poorly placed mirror can make a space feel cluttered, so use them only when necessary. Place one above each door frame or opposite an open window to reflect light into the room, so it feels brighter and lighter.

Here are some great ways to use every inch of space in a tiny apartment:

  • Use every inch of space—including the vertical space.
  • Create a shoe organizer to use all of your shoes in one place.
  • Use mirrors to create the illusion of more space.
  • Maximize wall space with decorative artwork and shelving units, or go vertical by hanging things from hooks and using storage bins on top of cabinets.
  • If you have tall ceilings, consider adding shelves above cabinets for even more storage space!

If you want to make your tiny apartment feel more spacious, clean up, organize and declutter. These are all things that can be done in as little as one day if you work hard enough on it. If you don’t have the time or energy right now, just start with one area at a time until it gets easier for both of us!




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