There is so much to do if you’re a brand nowadays. The constant pitching, emailing, product curation, product formation, stress, selling, more stress … well, you catch my drift. We’re all thinking about how to stay marketable on a day-to-day basis, let alone when it feels like the world is on fire.
As a fashion and beauty content creator, media personality, podcaster, and so much more, I definitely can sympathize with brands right now who are searching for ways to stay relevant and profitable during COVID-19. Now, on the one hand, I have a 9-5 who is thankfully allowing me to stay financially stable. On the other hand, a lot of opportunities and ventures have been cancelled and thrown on the back burner as people stop with the gatherings, major product launches, and overall influencer marketing movement.

So, what can you do if you’re in a position that requires you to grind for yourself?
How to Stay Marketable: Everything Can Be Figured Out
Tequilla White, founder of TWPR, chatted with TheBlondeMisfit podcast on how brands can pivot and navigate during this time. Even if it’s hard, we know that EVERYTHING is figureoutable.
Be sure to take a listen and subscribe if you’re not already! Also, leave us that five-star rating right over there in Apple Podcasts so we can continue creating dope work for you all!