The Beauty Within (Hey, you’re Moredinary!)

Have you ever been to an event and it really sucked? Like…come on now, you KNOW you want to say something good about the event but you just end up walking away upset that you wasted your time, energy and money? Sometimes your first event can tip over like the Titanic and crash, explode and suck. Like, burn to the ground and crash suck. However, there are other times, where it can inspire everyone to travel into the depths, to reach down to the deepest fathom of their being, pull out the little bit of insecurity inside, and tell themselves, “I’m amazing.”

Moredinary did just that, as a small collective group of young, beautiful women gathered at a Yoga Studio to talk all things self-love. While none of us knew what to expect, we all looked to Roconia Price, whose dream and vision spawned the #Moredinary movement and the beautiful evening we had.

We did activities to strengthen our mental and internal stamina, activities where we literally transferred our positive energy to each other and created a space where there was no fear. No worries. We gathered in circles and extended our love to one another. We shared things we thought we couldn’t do, and realized how simplistic life could be when we merely stripped the ‘T’ off the things we thought we couldn’t do. A life speaker came and talked about the struggles that had personally occurred in her life, many of which many of US could relate. However, our story doesn’t end in the shambles of unhappiness and self-doubt. She assured us that just as she got out and created a new future, so could we.

We ended the afternoon dedicating our time to vision boards, boards (that were already beautiful!) that would be garnished with photos from magazines and pictures of things we wished to be, to have, and to have enter our lives.

A beautiful vision board from one of the attendees.
A beautiful vision board from one of the attendees.

Even on my most powerful days, there is still vulnerability in my work. Vulnerability in me that can easily take over if I allow negative energy or space to reign for too long. Events like Moredinary showed me that all my uncomfortability, all the weird feelings I feel daily are merely growing pains, pains that occur when I am growing. Duh. So how am I growing? Mentally, spiritually, emotionally, every day. Beautifully, gracefully, majestically, every day. I am walking in my calling and I don’t have to be afraid. Without my purpose in life, I am only ordinary. But with it, I am MORE than ordinary. I’m moredinary.

As a woman who sees her life as something manifested by the Creator, I have to say if you didn’t come to this event you missed out on a serious blessing. One that touched everyone’s heart and made them realize, no matter what age they were, that they are valued amongst their sisters, valued in their community, and that dreams can come true (Roconia’s surely was a start to that movement). It is in those moments when you see others thrive, that you know that your purpose on this Earth is meaningful. I am here to confirm your purpose, my Misfit, is indeed meaningful. You are more than jut the ordinary person you may think you are. You’re actually more than that. You’re MOREDINARY! Check out all the beautiful photos I took (there are soooo many more but I couldn’t possibly get them all up here) and definitely hashtag #Moredinary if you have a beautiful story to share!

My vision board/ Still a work in progress!
My vision board/ Still a work in progress!
Our sign in sheet, vision boards, and the exciting start to a fantastic day!
Our sign in sheet, vision boards, and the exciting start to a fantastic day!
We got to speak to the things we WISH we could do, but felt we 'can't'
We got to speak to the things we WISH we could do, but felt we ‘can’t’
Our beautiful life coach teaching all of us how to grow our dream. It starts with a seed.
Our beautiful life coach teaching all of us how to grow our dream. It starts with a seed.
The cool crew (Oh, btw that's Roconia on the right!)
The cool crew (Oh, btw that’s Roconia on the right!)
Erica of
Erica of
My bestie Lenaiya showing off her new book!  
My bestie Lenaiya showing off her new book!  
Yetti of and GG of
Yetti of and GG of
(Most) of the beautiful ladies who came out. How beautiful we are!
(Most) of the beautiful ladies who came out. How beautiful we are!

Peace and Blessings. TBM.



  1. Such a beautiful write up! Thank you so much for coming out and sharing yourself with our group. im so grateful for your energy. Thank you thank you thank you! Xoxo

  2. Jame' Jackson


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