What I Bought This Week (Plus The Shopping Sales You Can Shop)

I’m a sale Queen, that I can admit. I’m always looking to see what’s the next shopping sales online and what I can shop ’til I drop. Especially while we’re all stuck indoors, what else is there to do then to get glam and fabulous?

Recently I haven’t been writing a lot of content, but it’s because I’ve been so busy running from here and there, figuring out what to post and what to do for the podcast.

I’ve tried not spending a lot of money while in quarantine, and thankfully I’ve done quite well…previously. Nowadays, I’ve been stress shopping as a result of the million things happening in my life right now. The job is going great, but it’s lots of work. Then there’s the social media engagement (although I’m going to be speaking to y’all soon about how I got shadowbanned from IG), and then, of course, trying to relax and take care of my mental health.

Well, all of that aside, I then started scouring through the sales online and realized that I wanted to buy EVERYTHING. Since I can’t do that, I rounded up the few things that I bought this week but also linked out to some of my favorite places to shop. Of course, spend responsibly.

Shopping sales:

Here’s what I bought at Nordstrom:

Shopping sales

Of course, I’ve bought a lot more, but let me know if you want me to do a haul and if you’ve bought something amazing over the past few weeks in quarantine!

I may make a small commission if you purchase through my links. Don't worry — I'd never recommend a product that I don't stand behind.

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