Zendaya goes Honey Blonde: How to create the look without causing damage

Zendaya just transformed her hair from auburn to honey blonde curls! As a blondie myself, y’all know I love

Since it is harder for the scalp’s natural oils to coat strands from root to ends, curly hair tends to be more prone to dryness and frizz than any other hair type.

So if you have a natural Zendaya curl and want to change your colour up, but are worried you may make your hair extremely dry, Nick Drewe, trends expert at WeThrift has got your back (and hair)

He has shared how to go bleach those curls to a honey blonde the right way…


Zendaya Insta

Zendaya/ Instagram

1. Get advice from your hairstylist

Whether you’re going from jet-black to expensive blonde, or you’re already a blonde wanting to hop on this stylish trend, it’s always best to seek the advice of your stylist before making any drastic decisions.

Your stylist may advise against too much bleach and recommend that you stick to more natural products that will gradually lighten your hair without the harsh chemicals. Methods using apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cinnamon hair lightener etc are natural methods to lift those locks to a lovely blonde.

Alternatively, if you do want instant results you can do a bleach bath, which is a softer, step by step bleaching process that is used to remove colour one shade at a time or lighten your hair gradually. Use lots of conditioner here to keep those locks moist!

2. Have a haircut beforehand

Before you even begin the colouring process, tell your stylist about any fringes and inches you want cutting off. After all, you don’t want to risk cutting off lightened sections of your hair that your stylist probably spent hours working on.

Having your haircut beforehand will allow your stylist to more effectively map out where they should integrate your new colours. Additionally, root regrowth will be more visible if you have a fringe, so you may want to cut off your fringe before making a big colour change.

3. Achieve the perfect honey blonde look

To achieve the perfect honey blonde look, you want a 50/50 ratio of golden blonde and natural blonde. This basic formula makes it easier to adjust the depth or lightness of your honey blonde to suit your wants and skin tone for some serious variety.

An example of products and equipment you can use include;

  • TWO of the Dark and Lovely New Fade Resist Color Box (Light Golden Blonde 384)
  • Clairol Professional Soy 4PLEX Toner (High Lift Cool Blonde 12A)
  • (40) Cream Peroxide Developer (use sparingly and never on the scalp)
  • Gloves
  • Hand-Held Mirror
  • Comb
  • Mixing bowl for dye
  • Dye application brush
  • Plastic cup
  • Vaseline or hair grease

4. Take your time and enjoy the process!

Often, your first session can be up to seven hours long, and seven weeks after that it can still take many hours to get to an icy white blonde and bleached roots. Using a lower volume peroxide and slowing down the process is what helps protect your hair and because of the long, intense process you should be able to pull off your new blonde look for at least a year.

If you do not take this process, you will notice the broken bits coming within a couple weeks and you can even destroy your natural curl or get breakage.

5. Use the right aftercare

It’s up to you to take care of your hair in between each lightening session. Continue to hydrate your hair and be a little heavier on the moisturiser post-colour to make sure that your hair is absorbing it- even if it does feel a little greasy because of it.

There are lots of different products on the market for curly hair and remember to always go sulfate-free and look for ingredients like shea butter, aloe vera, coconut and hydrating oils like avocado, argan and almond.

Try to limit washing to once a week, up your deep conditions, and invest in accessories like fabric hair ties, satin bonnets, scarves and/or pillow cases to protect your hair from breakage.

It is also important to avoid putting any unnecessary heat on your hair. With curly hair, you can get away with drying it naturally. So if you do want to treat yourself to a straight look, remember the heat protection!


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